Alfred Robbins Lodge



Whilst the Lodge has journalism at its roots, it has not had any journalists as members, for several decades – until 2023 – with a new recruit joining in 2023 and another in 2024, both being in journalism. The members of today’s lodge are a cross-section of society, a few businessmen, some retirees, IT professionals, an accountant and an architect. In keeping with our more recent past, we welcome new members from all walks of life – not just journalists. The ages of our members range from late 20’s to 70’s.

The Lodge meets just four times per year, at 5pm on a Friday in March, June, September and December. We hold a monthly “Lodge of Instruction” on the first Wednesday of the month, 7pm at Freemasons Hall, which new Masons would be encouraged to attend approximately one year after joining the Lodge. The Lodge of Instruction always ends up in the bar at Freemasons Hall, for a social catch-up. We aim for 2 or 3 social activities per year in addition, ranging from a meal out, a visit to a tourist attraction or place of interest to the members, to a gala weekend at the seaside. As with all Freemasonry, social activity, charitable endeavours and contributing to society, are the key objectives of the Lodge. Many members of the Lodge are or have been, involved with various charities, with roles ranging from fund raising to chairing the charity.

The Worshipful Master of Alfred Robbins Lodge (raising a glass) with the Metropolitan Grand Inspector (second left), The Inspector’s Escorting Officer (left) and a guest of the Lodge (right).


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